I am such a dork with a hugely over active imagination- Still after all this time. Me and my stupid grey matter getting in the way of living the life I have. I just need to STOP!
Anywho I have a HUGE hole dug in my yard. One of the neighboring properties that my landlord owns has a bath drain that empties into our yard. I think its great.. it waters all the plants here in this dry clime, but our old next door neighbor is complaining that it stinks...And it does smell... like wet dirt! Sheesh! I guess once you have lived here so long you forget what water smells like! So hence the hole... its SUPPOSED to be filled in with gravel and drainage pipe to distribute the water evenly underground... BUT my land lord is going to Ireland and now its not going to get finished! SO there is this HUGE muddy pit ( perfect size to -say- bury you landlord in!) that the puppy had a blast getting caked in! Washed her up all pretty.... she is at the vet right now getting spayed.... Hope she is ok... I must have looked like one of those worried types cuz they strait out refuse to let me call throughout the day to check up on her! "we will call you if anything goes wrong..." So every phone call I jump about 10 feet.
I wrote some snail mail today for the first time in years and it was sooooooo fun! I forgot how much personality is lost in e-mails.
maybe its just cos im a psycho myself and I have lots in common with them I never thought of that possibilty
love the pic ...total cuteness!!! ok ...off to work i go