my lease is up in january and i dont know if i want to stay in lewisville... or maybe grapevine or denton or.... colorado. i dunno, decisions decisions.
im really desperately trying to save some cash so i can get my tattoos touched up but i need to have some mula for jeff's birthday at the end of october AND my tinkerbell costume! ugh. im thinking about just saying "fuck it!" and getting them done with my next paycheck but jeff still needs to fix a few things in his car so i feel bad just splurging and getting inked. should i? its his car... but i'm ALWAYS a good girlfriend, i wanna be a bad one just this once. itll be my birthday present to me. and there is NO FUCKING WAY im posing for sg with fucked up ink on me.
well my job is fucking awesome. this is the best job ever. i can wear what i want, colormy hair, wear my jewelry, i finished A Clockwork Orange in less than a week at work, thats how much real work i have to do. i just sell pipes and sit on my ass. right now im reading Communion by Whitley Streiber. its the autobiography, i guess you could say, of a man coming to the realization that he has been in contact with aliens since his chilhood by recovering his memories through hypnosis. he had strange memories for years but never linked them all and now hes remembering the whole memories and not just confusing littledetails. its wierd. im fucking convinced. hehe.
p.s. MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 8 DAYS!!! feel free to send me cash to help the "its muh birfday" tat touch-up fund!

im really desperately trying to save some cash so i can get my tattoos touched up but i need to have some mula for jeff's birthday at the end of october AND my tinkerbell costume! ugh. im thinking about just saying "fuck it!" and getting them done with my next paycheck but jeff still needs to fix a few things in his car so i feel bad just splurging and getting inked. should i? its his car... but i'm ALWAYS a good girlfriend, i wanna be a bad one just this once. itll be my birthday present to me. and there is NO FUCKING WAY im posing for sg with fucked up ink on me.
well my job is fucking awesome. this is the best job ever. i can wear what i want, colormy hair, wear my jewelry, i finished A Clockwork Orange in less than a week at work, thats how much real work i have to do. i just sell pipes and sit on my ass. right now im reading Communion by Whitley Streiber. its the autobiography, i guess you could say, of a man coming to the realization that he has been in contact with aliens since his chilhood by recovering his memories through hypnosis. he had strange memories for years but never linked them all and now hes remembering the whole memories and not just confusing littledetails. its wierd. im fucking convinced. hehe.
p.s. MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 8 DAYS!!! feel free to send me cash to help the "its muh birfday" tat touch-up fund!

Tinkerbell costume? Are you going to make it? If so, I work at Jo-Ann Fabrics and can hook you up with a sweet discount.
My birthday is tomorrow. Hooray for Virgos. Happy Birthday to the both of us!