Hey everyone last night was awesomeness, the most bad ass sgs and members live in Spokane (yeah u know who u are)!!!!!!!!!!
For the rest of the world:
We had the first offical SG spokane party last night and it was awesome. (see above) oh and i cut all my hair off yesterday that was pretty kewl tooo..... (pictures to come as soon as i get them)
I have no Dworkin Quote at the moment but i will edit and add one whn i find a goodie
Rock on Ya'll!
For the rest of the world:
We had the first offical SG spokane party last night and it was awesome. (see above) oh and i cut all my hair off yesterday that was pretty kewl tooo..... (pictures to come as soon as i get them)
I have no Dworkin Quote at the moment but i will edit and add one whn i find a goodie

Aaargh,... Thats what I get for being new,... I didn't even know there was a party! Someone sling me a message next time please!
what was that post we were supposed to do?