Sorry about all the time between updates. It has beena crazy week. My family from Cali has been here since sunday so there are 12 people in my house right now, and i have been evicted from my room temporarily.
I was suposed to be going to seattle this weekend to hang out but my sister seems to have bailed on me so i am very sad! I have decided that it is my best bet to just buy a bus ticket and rock seattle ALONE the following weekend. Maybe i can stay an extra day that way!!! I am getting a Fin. Aide check on monday so it should fund my trip so it will be more enjoyable. I really need to get over there and check out schools before i get stuck here forever..... A very smart friend seems to think that this town is holding me back socailly and i am starting to think he is right. I need to check all my options!
Well thats it for now, i'll check u later ok???? TTYL! XOX
I was suposed to be going to seattle this weekend to hang out but my sister seems to have bailed on me so i am very sad! I have decided that it is my best bet to just buy a bus ticket and rock seattle ALONE the following weekend. Maybe i can stay an extra day that way!!! I am getting a Fin. Aide check on monday so it should fund my trip so it will be more enjoyable. I really need to get over there and check out schools before i get stuck here forever..... A very smart friend seems to think that this town is holding me back socailly and i am starting to think he is right. I need to check all my options!
Well thats it for now, i'll check u later ok???? TTYL! XOX
Hey, cool talking to you earlier. Sorry I had to split so sudden. 

kahlua: next friday then? awww jeeeeeezz.....i think im starting to feel a little queezy already. haha...rad. ah glory! i gotta be there so you can see my amazing new bad ass traditional rad ink. oh yes!