Greetings Earthlings!
Sorry I have been so long between entries, space travel is time consuming. Currently, I am approximately 26 billon light years from earth, seems the further I am from your planet, the more contented I become. I believe it is morning on earth, I dont know what time, because time does not exist to me.
I visited some strange planet called College on, what you earthlings would call, Monday. The inhabitants of this planet appear to be broken into two races. The first, assumedly called professors, and appear to be the ruling race. They appear to enjoy hearing themselves articulate, while making the members of the slave race, listen to them. The slave race called students, seem to be drugged or brainwashed in some manor, this is perhaps necessary to keep this less evolved class in order, listening, and sitting in chairs.
During my observations I was captured and forced into a chair myself. The professor in the room, operated a large pink tractor beam, applied to the back of my back of my skull, draining me of my ability to think clearly and for myself. After about two earth-hours the professor released me along with the others from the student race. The students began to scatter, some towards other rooms with other professors, some towards their personal transport devices. I went directly back to my ship, hoping the effects of the tractor beam would wear off soon. I went to sleep when I awoke I was recovered; apparently the effects of the beam are merely temporary, unless applied in large doses. I departed that planet immediately.
Roughly 24 earth-hours after that, I spoke with my earth-companion on the receiver, regarding my pending visit to his planet. I am more exasperated now than at the termination of our previous transmission. Apparently, he is planning on doing some recreational earth-travel, at the identical time I was planning on landing the ship to interact with him. I have learned that the camaraderie of other male earthlings is favorable to him, than time spent with myself. Upon completion of that transmittal, I began another, to an earth-friend called Todd. He will be assisting me in a mission, recording some digital photographic images of me. Rescheduling my activities during my earth stay will give me more time to allocate to this mission. So in the end it did work out favorably.
It is now time for me to stock the ship and meet with the crew. Safe travels earthlings!
Sorry I have been so long between entries, space travel is time consuming. Currently, I am approximately 26 billon light years from earth, seems the further I am from your planet, the more contented I become. I believe it is morning on earth, I dont know what time, because time does not exist to me.
I visited some strange planet called College on, what you earthlings would call, Monday. The inhabitants of this planet appear to be broken into two races. The first, assumedly called professors, and appear to be the ruling race. They appear to enjoy hearing themselves articulate, while making the members of the slave race, listen to them. The slave race called students, seem to be drugged or brainwashed in some manor, this is perhaps necessary to keep this less evolved class in order, listening, and sitting in chairs.
During my observations I was captured and forced into a chair myself. The professor in the room, operated a large pink tractor beam, applied to the back of my back of my skull, draining me of my ability to think clearly and for myself. After about two earth-hours the professor released me along with the others from the student race. The students began to scatter, some towards other rooms with other professors, some towards their personal transport devices. I went directly back to my ship, hoping the effects of the tractor beam would wear off soon. I went to sleep when I awoke I was recovered; apparently the effects of the beam are merely temporary, unless applied in large doses. I departed that planet immediately.
Roughly 24 earth-hours after that, I spoke with my earth-companion on the receiver, regarding my pending visit to his planet. I am more exasperated now than at the termination of our previous transmission. Apparently, he is planning on doing some recreational earth-travel, at the identical time I was planning on landing the ship to interact with him. I have learned that the camaraderie of other male earthlings is favorable to him, than time spent with myself. Upon completion of that transmittal, I began another, to an earth-friend called Todd. He will be assisting me in a mission, recording some digital photographic images of me. Rescheduling my activities during my earth stay will give me more time to allocate to this mission. So in the end it did work out favorably.
It is now time for me to stock the ship and meet with the crew. Safe travels earthlings!
Until The Turn Of Tomorrow,