Whilst I have been away much has happened on the Music front.......
The band Maghribibeat was all set to do a full festival tour of the UK when our lead vocalist and founder Mo upped and left the country never to be seen again !!! I know...you couldn't make it up.
On the back of many years of hard work and unableto replace him we had to cancel the tour... a source of immense frustration...we were so close to a breakthrough on the World Music Scene and all that hard work up in a puff of smoke..If we can find another arabic language specialst who knows this music then who knows...mebbe we will be able to continue.
Meanwhile my other project the Kajamor Family is going well...Check us out playing live here
The band Maghribibeat was all set to do a full festival tour of the UK when our lead vocalist and founder Mo upped and left the country never to be seen again !!! I know...you couldn't make it up.
On the back of many years of hard work and unableto replace him we had to cancel the tour... a source of immense frustration...we were so close to a breakthrough on the World Music Scene and all that hard work up in a puff of smoke..If we can find another arabic language specialst who knows this music then who knows...mebbe we will be able to continue.
Meanwhile my other project the Kajamor Family is going well...Check us out playing live here
I would help you out but I have limited musical ability and limiteder (