Well, today is the viewing and tomorrow is the funeral. I can't believe how expensive it is to bury someone. It's rediculous. Oh well, it has to be done
I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I had a blast. My son was so much fun to watch this year and was excited about everything. It was definately cool. The day after Christmas sucked. My grandfather passed away. I pretty much grew up at my grandparents house and they are still my next door neighbor, so we were pretty close. He's been in the...
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Im sorry about your grandpa...

Hey everyone, Merry Christmas. We just had our xmas party at the tattoo shop. SailorHarry tattooed the back of my left hand. I'll get the pics up soon. I hope everyone has a good holiday. See ya
I put them up on my blog ifin ya wanna go steal them...lOL
my wrist wont bend
my wrist wont bend

Work parties for me never included tats, yours is much better.
All I get is some fat secretary talking to me about something I could give too shits about. 

I'm in North Carolina right now, just getting ready to drive back to PA. The holiday traffic is going to be great, I can't wait. I just hope I don't kill some stupid fucker between here and there. lol I definately wanted to at the airports yesterday. That's was crazy. Oh well, the flights went well and now it's time to drive

what no customs stories for us bro .... hahahaha .... hey hope yah make it home safe and have happy holidays ..

Yeah you got to deal with customs or it isn't a good vacation. Well I guess Stupid people on the road are just as bad.
good luck fighting stream.

Today was a pretty good day. Kate and I got the majority of our Christmas shopping done. We mostly just have our parents left and we should get them taken care of tomorrow. Normally I hate being in any stores around Christmas time, but we had fun today. Hopefully tomorrow is the same. I can't wait until Christmas day just so I can see the...
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hope yah have a good x-mas bro .... dont forget to buy yourself something nice....haha

I am with grum
Also have fun with the Santa thing. .

Things are going a little better now. Not great, but definately better. I'm planning on doing all my Christmas shopping tomorrow and I'm really not looking forward to it. I don't know why people turn into assholes at the malls. It's kind of funny if you just go and watch people get pissed. There's a bar/restaurant at both ends of the mall, so I normally...
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Like your plan!! But I try to buy everything online.
Hate the mall

Hey guys, I'm having a shitty time right now. i'll be back on here more soon. Till then, see ya
cheer up!
[i hate when people tell me to cheer up but how fucking adorable is this picture? haha]

cheer up!
[i hate when people tell me to cheer up but how fucking adorable is this picture? haha]
I'm great darlin, just workin,
other than that life is good. How are you? 

I'm back in PA now. I had a fucking great time in Canada at Grum's tattoo shop. It was a bitch getting through customs. I got everything but my ass searched. lol I did some cool tattoos and met some really cool people. I almost got to see Grum's sister naked. lol Check out the pics on his blog. I'll have mine up soon
dream catcher for you ........

hi darlin! =)
Three more hours and I'm outta here. I'm driving to Buffalo tonight and staying at my mom's. That will be cool, i haven't seen her in a little while. Tomorrow I'll meet up with grum and hopefully tattoo our asses off. I've really been looking forward to this and now it's finally here. I had to go get a copy of my birth certificate this...
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Hope the tattooing went well can't wait to hear about it.

hey thanx for coming down it was great . you did a great job you are welcome back anytime..... and yah the boys at customs told me to tell you to come back anytime ....

It's crazy how you can start thinking life is getting better and then it turns around and kicks you in the ass. I guess that's how we get stronger. Too bad it has to hurt
Love you christmas present idea.

just bring your tat equipment and yerself thats all you need