Well, my cousin's on the plane to Iraq......again. we'll see how it goes this time. He better get his ass back here still breathing. If not, I'll have to kill him. lol Anyways, I'm at work, waiting on my next appointment. People really make me laugh. A guy called the shop and wanted to know if we would tattoo anyone under 17. I told him no and he wanted to know if I'd recommend any shops that would do it. Ok, now if I won't do it, why the fuck would I tell him where he could get it done. Any decent shop around here won't do it and I'm not telling to go to some fucking hack. I'm sure he will anyways and then I'll have to fix that fuck up when the kid is finally old enough. Damn, it pisses me off. You always get what you pay for. Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good!

good fuckin point