This is crazy. My buddy, Tim, wrecked his bike a few years ago into a guard rail. His spine came out through the back of his neck and severed his spinal cord. He has been paralyzed from the neck down ever since. He somehow got in touch with a surgeon who was a huge advocate for stem cell research in the U.S. The doctor is now working out of Mexico. A week and a half ago, Tim made the trip to Monterey to undergo stem cell surgery. When the accident happened, he was told he had a 1 cm gap in his spinal cord. The doctor cut into his spine and realized his spinal cord was now %40 intact. Tim's body was producing its own cells. Instead of producing the cells vertically, the were being produced horizontally and basically choking off any impulses trying to pass through. The doctor corrected that, removed a piece of bone from his cord, and finished the surgery. Two days later, Tim's IV fell out, so they had to give him a antibiotic shot in the hip. Tim is scared of needles so he looked away. As soon as they gave him the shot, he felt the pinch and the burn from the antibiotics! He hasn't felt anything below his neck for 3 years. I can't even begin to imagine what was going through his head. He has a 3 and a half year old daughter that he has only been able to watch grow up. Now there is a chance he will be able to hold her again. I look up to him so much for being so fucking brave through all this and not giving up. There are so many of us that take so many things for granted and give up so easily. I'm one of them. He was told he would never walk or move again, but was persistent and kept his head up. Look what's happening now. I definately learned a lesson from this amazing guy. Thank you Tim

that will take forever!!!

Tim has to be an inspriation to everyone who is lucky enough to know him, I know he is to me.