Beijing's been trying to blow its nose for days.

The heavy gray skies obscuring even near buildings are stubborn. The rains came twice this week to wash them off the horizon, but even after yesterdays downpour which flooded the courtyard of my apartment complex, the skies look poisonous.

The air pollution scale runs from 0-5. An average day in Beijing is a 3. In the...
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i am full shanghainese

but my banananess comes from growing up in vancouver and having a strong only-child resentment to my parents

which now i feel shame for

Great, I thought.

I mean, Bertolucci's ideas intrigue me, but it's the cine-photographic nerd over here who's been wanting to see it for two years, or whatever. And after two years, it'd have to do much to not disappoint.

I sometimes get this funny idea about artistic evolution, and that--especially with something as technical as motion picture photography--something isn't the the best, but the best up to that point. On the other hand, the photography of The Conformist is as artistically sophisticated as any movie I've ever seen. Maybe Storaro was merely ahead of his time (and he clearly was, ages), but I do think it's as close to perfect as I've seen.

(What's this about anti-DVD policies? After all, the first thing to usually follow a restoration and rerelease is a special edition DVD.)

[Edited on Jun 07, 2006 1:59PM]
"I am planting aluminum cucumbers on a field of steel."

Girl's back from visiting her homeland. She returned with a CD of one of Russia's greatest rockers...who is EURASIAN! One of these days when I write the great novel history of my people, he will figure importantly in the plot.

Forgot to take my meds and work drove me to near insanity. Fortunately I got...
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Eww. A fat cat is a sad thing to glimpse at, but a fat monkey may be even a sadder view...

But anyway. Maybe I'm the only one old hippy not to have ever read this novel by this guy... so, the name "koue" (I've no clue about what it's supposed to mean in the novel) didn't ring any bell when I saw it....
however if I happen to meet him, this old Zen monk, I would tell him "I'm your fan" as everybody does...
So long, Kou! biggrin
I didn't graduate, I just finished the semester. I don't get the picture...frown
Clearest night, biggest moon this town has ever seen.

we had this sort of heaving, orange moon in lala land last night.
Sat down for coffee tonight with a friend here. One of the great pleasures in life is sitting with a woman and discussing her romantic difficulties. Don't know why I love it so.

Love has intertwined itself around her career. She's extricating herself from a relationship with her boss, who's a bigwig in the biz. To hear her talk was beautiful: each new sentence one...
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Hey there, good to hear from you. I've been kind of vacant on the site lately, and trying to play catchup, but it isn't going terribly well.

You know, I think more of the trendy designers ought to read that article you linked, it might do them some good.

Get ahold of me sometime!
That'd be Central Daylight Time: clock, information.
Night Riding...

None of the hilarity of last night, celebrating two birthdays at once, taking over the clubs, drinking ourselves into tomorrow. No, tonight was lowkey, movie and weed.

The weed left us wordless as we hiked to a bar. My new bike - i'm so proud - sped my way. A few drinks later I was back on the street, dropped a friend off...
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yeah i have almost the exact same picture. popular spot wink.

do you have a crazy work schedule? how are your films coming along?

next biggest thing in art..is me wink haha j/k i really dont know anything goes here it seems.
but i am trying to open a gallery/artists co-op.
Thanks. I like yours too. Very busy.
Hi Peoples,

I love not checking my email for a long time (like more than fifteen minutes) and then returning home, and discovering nice letters from long-lost loved ones.

May Holiday is on and in full effect over here. That's Labor Day, for you Americans who celebrate it on the other side of the year.

Three days ago was the Beijing Midi festival which was...
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i'm in beijing! you? i see that u were at midi me too. it was fabulous! what do u do?
I shall de-intrigue you regarding my ever-changing profile pics!
I am just a collector of "things" (pictures included) and consequently have become addicted to Google images smile

I love reading your journals...your life is so interesting.

[Edited on May 06, 2006 6:30PM]
"Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better" (Tous les jours tous points de vue je vais de mieux en mieux)

Once again Tororo with putting the extra effort into his comment! I had to rely on Wikipedia to look up who Dr. Cou was, and given recent my psychological progress a damn good guess! But not quite right.

So THE...
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Hey dude, watch any good movies, lately?
congrats on your brother's wife's news. I'm studying chinese in kunming, yunnan for a year. But for the next two weeks i'm on koh tao, an island in thailand. Yay for me smile
Writer's/Life Block and ******* !!!CONTEST!!! ******* (scroll to bottom)

No pretty pictures today. Days just slipping slowly by, knowing somewhere my paycheck is building up until its ready for payday. For once I'm not working either 24/7 or not at all. Hours are regular. I got time to read at home, please my woman, go to sleep early, then wake up at a decent hour....
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Haha! A contest... I love contests!

As neither "koue" nor "koue" reads much like a transcripted Chinese word (at least, neither in the EFEO nor the pinyin system, the only ones I'm familiar with... I know in english-speaking countries they use the Wade-Giles system I don't know much about, so I may be totally wrong on that...)... I'll search elsewhere! Living in a country where one may hardly spend a day without hearing the clich saying "La Mthode Cou" popping up in the conversation... I will place my bet on a tribute to the late Docteur Cou, supposedly inventor of the Mthode of the same name!
biggrin biggrin biggrin
Thank you very much for the compliment! kiss

I hope your writer's block dissipates soon. smile
No pretty pictures today. Days just slipping slowly by, knowing somewhere my paycheck is building up until its ready for payday. For once I'm not working either 24/7 or not at all. Hours are regular. I got time to read at home, please my woman, go to sleep early, then wake up at a decent hour. Work leaves lots of time for the on-going search...
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Been very girl crazy lately.

Not horny - it's got nothing to do with sex, well maybe a little - my girl says its about notch-cutting. I think it's missing flirting with people.

In any case I'm very thankful I have a girl who is confident enough to put up with my roaming eye. Regular dinner conversations involve picking out the hotties in the room,...
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It's a sign of a great relationship that you and your girlfriend can appreciate the beauty of others without any jealousy or awkwardness.

That baby is adorable. smile
I'm with Annis...and am a chronic hottie-spotter myself!
Yes, I love Dita...send any pics my way smile

I used to have a car like that, but the colour was more...poohy?