Good phone calls sometimes come at very awkward times. In this case, this Sunday while I was enjoying the 50 kuai (6 $USD) all you can drink special at Drum and Bell I got a call asking me help with post on a new film by a director I greatly admire. I was already several tens of drinks into the special and was in no state of mind to talk business.
So I call back today, beset by an awful hangover, to find out the call wasn't a hallucination afterall.
So I'm faced with two options, neither bad, both good, making the decision all the more difficult. I am also known as one of the least decisive people on the planet. Here they are:
1) stay with my current job and my current boss and pick up a big American-Chinese coproduction in the near future. The job will be stable, I'll get to work on a big commercial film, but it wil lbe in production, not in editing or anything particularly creative.
2) go back to work (tangentally) with my old boss and possibly all the bitchiness she brings with her. It will be in the field I know and also I'll learn a lot from working with new people on a big project with a director I like. But I risk permanently ruining my relationship with my current boss. Also, this project will only last two months, after which I gotta start looking for work again. As always, I'm a little neurotic that I won't be up to snuff for this film. (at this very moment I have butterflies in my stomach thinking about it). But challenge is part of the fun.
Stability and commercial film? Or high-pressure and art?
What's your thoughts?
Good phone calls sometimes come at very awkward times. In this case, this Sunday while I was enjoying the 50 kuai (6 $USD) all you can drink special at Drum and Bell I got a call asking me help with post on a new film by a director I greatly admire. I was already several tens of drinks into the special and was in no state of mind to talk business.
So I call back today, beset by an awful hangover, to find out the call wasn't a hallucination afterall.
So I'm faced with two options, neither bad, both good, making the decision all the more difficult. I am also known as one of the least decisive people on the planet. Here they are:
1) stay with my current job and my current boss and pick up a big American-Chinese coproduction in the near future. The job will be stable, I'll get to work on a big commercial film, but it wil lbe in production, not in editing or anything particularly creative.
2) go back to work (tangentally) with my old boss and possibly all the bitchiness she brings with her. It will be in the field I know and also I'll learn a lot from working with new people on a big project with a director I like. But I risk permanently ruining my relationship with my current boss. Also, this project will only last two months, after which I gotta start looking for work again. As always, I'm a little neurotic that I won't be up to snuff for this film. (at this very moment I have butterflies in my stomach thinking about it). But challenge is part of the fun.
Stability and commercial film? Or high-pressure and art?
What's your thoughts?
but i'm just an old toot.