Back from vacation, and working. Tho' working seems less serious than vacation. Vacation you gotta deal with tough things like getting out of bed, deciding where to travel that way, whether to swim in the ocean or swim in the pool, how to make love to your girl. Working you got your day all planned out for you, you sit around with a bunch of people, have a meeting, shoot the shit, talk about "platforms" and "channels" and "target markets" and at the end of the day say, "let's get together and start a joint venture company." Sounds like, "let's get together and play tag football."
This is my problem, I continually take leisure things seriously, and serious things leisurely.
Many people hate bullshit, but I've made good friends with bullshit. I've decided a great job would be to hire out my semi-foreign-looking face as an English speaking representative for Chinese companies. Arrive 10 minutes before a meeting, put on a tie, get handed a script, say some business bullshit, be out the door before 5pm.
I should have some photos up from vacation soon. Shout out to my new bro Tororo, who did an awesome post on my last entry with an old photo from Hainan.
And I want to translate a bit of a Chinese novel for everybody.
Tax time coming down. Wish everyone luck.
Favorite Job of the Week:
According to the ever-trustworthy internet, it is illegal for virgins to marry on Guam. So someone has a job to deflower all the marriageable virgins. The overtime must suck on that one.
Weird Laws About Sex
This is my problem, I continually take leisure things seriously, and serious things leisurely.
Many people hate bullshit, but I've made good friends with bullshit. I've decided a great job would be to hire out my semi-foreign-looking face as an English speaking representative for Chinese companies. Arrive 10 minutes before a meeting, put on a tie, get handed a script, say some business bullshit, be out the door before 5pm.
I should have some photos up from vacation soon. Shout out to my new bro Tororo, who did an awesome post on my last entry with an old photo from Hainan.
And I want to translate a bit of a Chinese novel for everybody.
Tax time coming down. Wish everyone luck.
Favorite Job of the Week:
According to the ever-trustworthy internet, it is illegal for virgins to marry on Guam. So someone has a job to deflower all the marriageable virgins. The overtime must suck on that one.
Weird Laws About Sex
I like the chubby cheeks. I was chubby when I was that age.
as for "weinersnitzl", is spelled "wiener schnitzel".