Enough with the Drama...
I'm sorry for not answering back all the messages i'm getting here... i'm really sorry, but i needed to take a little time-off the blog world...
I was here, but, taking a huge part of the groups and all that...
I found a lot of relief and support here on SG, thank yourpg ferretbite sunna obey enzela explosiveorchid Toodrunktosee srStinnky halfjack airft franpire genet firestar amiba beautifak and well, just everyone who posted here, in the groups or through msn, really, you don't have a single idea of how much i appreciate all you do.
I may be corny but i really think that SG have brought me some amazing friends
But anyway, i'm back, renewed and happier.
My mom is doing a lot better since she started with the antidepressants... Really, she's a lot happier, and well, that day was her last breakdown...
That pleases me a lot...
My boyfriend came and left... right now i miss him so much, but anyway, things have a reason and sooner or later we will be together....
And i got a Tattoo...
I have only one crappy picture of the day i got it, (yay for Vitacilina)

I promise i will get you some more soon,
It says How We Became Fire, it's the title of a Moonspell song
I'm also thinking about getting my nips pierced... You may or may not get pictures of this last one...
I will post more here soon, i need to get updated with everybody's life...
But thank you, really thank you...
and thank you rpg for your comment on my picture..
... you really, really blushed me with that one... n_n... how are the kitties? *-* my @ sends greeting from here...
Thank you people and i leave you all with this silly experiment i did with a picture of me.

I'm a sillyass... i don't even know if that word exists, but if it doesn't, well, now it's my word...
With Love,
I'm sorry for not answering back all the messages i'm getting here... i'm really sorry, but i needed to take a little time-off the blog world...
I was here, but, taking a huge part of the groups and all that...
I found a lot of relief and support here on SG, thank yourpg ferretbite sunna obey enzela explosiveorchid Toodrunktosee srStinnky halfjack airft franpire genet firestar amiba beautifak and well, just everyone who posted here, in the groups or through msn, really, you don't have a single idea of how much i appreciate all you do.
I may be corny but i really think that SG have brought me some amazing friends
But anyway, i'm back, renewed and happier.
My mom is doing a lot better since she started with the antidepressants... Really, she's a lot happier, and well, that day was her last breakdown...
That pleases me a lot...
My boyfriend came and left... right now i miss him so much, but anyway, things have a reason and sooner or later we will be together....
And i got a Tattoo...
I have only one crappy picture of the day i got it, (yay for Vitacilina)
I promise i will get you some more soon,

It says How We Became Fire, it's the title of a Moonspell song
I'm also thinking about getting my nips pierced... You may or may not get pictures of this last one...
I will post more here soon, i need to get updated with everybody's life...

But thank you, really thank you...
and thank you rpg for your comment on my picture..

Thank you people and i leave you all with this silly experiment i did with a picture of me.
I'm a sillyass... i don't even know if that word exists, but if it doesn't, well, now it's my word...
With Love,
You are so sweet and adorable!! The message brightened up my day!

did kitty return yet???