Thank you so much everybody, you're really cheering me up.. 
I'm so happy, my photographer had been very busy these last days, but finally, we're shooting my set on tuesday, and hopefully, i'll be submiting it that day.
i'm so excited, i love my location, in fact i shot some pictures of the place alone, just to see how it works with lights and stuff. It's a shame that i can't share them.
So, i'm taking Mr Ferretbite's advice and this weekend i'll be posting some pictures of me at the SG Hopefuls with different make up style, and maybe some practice poses, so i can get some advices from the girls.
i'm happy.

I'm so happy, my photographer had been very busy these last days, but finally, we're shooting my set on tuesday, and hopefully, i'll be submiting it that day.
i'm so excited, i love my location, in fact i shot some pictures of the place alone, just to see how it works with lights and stuff. It's a shame that i can't share them.
So, i'm taking Mr Ferretbite's advice and this weekend i'll be posting some pictures of me at the SG Hopefuls with different make up style, and maybe some practice poses, so i can get some advices from the girls.

See ya kitties!!
Y feliz dia de Reyes para todos.. que no les salga el monito en la rosca.
good luck, good looking

si es cierto la rosca!!..ya se me habia olvidado..