well well well..look who's updating
how is everyone? any awesome weekend plans?
i think me and the boy and some friends are going to see Year One on sunday night. should be a good time. i love michael cera, so it will probably be hilarious.
the no doubt show was fucking awesome!! we got there right when paramore was finishing their last song, so that was a bonus that i didn't have to sit through her bullshit music haha. i had a better time than i thought i would anyways. for the last few songs, a few band members had on pens jerseys and the whole crowd went ape shit haha. good times for sure. apparently there were like 17 thousand people there or something. i've never seen that place so packed. after the concert courtney's car broke down and we had to sit on the side of the road like idiots for 2 hours waiting to get towed. i didnt get home til 430 in the morning and i had to work all day sunday so that was pretty annoying. i can't complain too much though cause i got to see no mother fucking doubt
in other exciting news..i got a haircut that was long overdue. me and the boy went. it was adorable cause he was super scared that they were going to fuck his hair up..turned out really nice though. perhaps i will post some pics or something. hmm...what else?
oh, my mum is supposed to be getting transferred to a long term rehab place. she's going to be there for like 6 months or so i guess. i haven't really gotten to talk to her much cause the place she's at now only lets her talk on the phone for 5 minutes at a time.
my bathtub has been clogged for like 3 weeks and my landlord is being a fucking dick about it. he left for vacation this morning and will be gone for a week..he told me to try using a fucking plunger. good idea to use a plunger when i just got done putting burning chemicals down the drain..asshole.
i can't wait to see my boy again. he'll be here sunday night. we don't have too much planned yet..probably see that movie, and make plans for the beach..maybe swim if the weather is ever nice again haha. i can't wait til the beach! we're going at the end of next month to myrtle beach. i think we're staying at compass cove cause they had really good deals on condos. anyone know of any cool places we could check out while we're there?
well i think i'm gonna find some food and bum around til i gotta work. hope everyone has a nice weekend..mine doesn't start til sunday

how is everyone? any awesome weekend plans?
i think me and the boy and some friends are going to see Year One on sunday night. should be a good time. i love michael cera, so it will probably be hilarious.
the no doubt show was fucking awesome!! we got there right when paramore was finishing their last song, so that was a bonus that i didn't have to sit through her bullshit music haha. i had a better time than i thought i would anyways. for the last few songs, a few band members had on pens jerseys and the whole crowd went ape shit haha. good times for sure. apparently there were like 17 thousand people there or something. i've never seen that place so packed. after the concert courtney's car broke down and we had to sit on the side of the road like idiots for 2 hours waiting to get towed. i didnt get home til 430 in the morning and i had to work all day sunday so that was pretty annoying. i can't complain too much though cause i got to see no mother fucking doubt

in other exciting news..i got a haircut that was long overdue. me and the boy went. it was adorable cause he was super scared that they were going to fuck his hair up..turned out really nice though. perhaps i will post some pics or something. hmm...what else?
oh, my mum is supposed to be getting transferred to a long term rehab place. she's going to be there for like 6 months or so i guess. i haven't really gotten to talk to her much cause the place she's at now only lets her talk on the phone for 5 minutes at a time.
my bathtub has been clogged for like 3 weeks and my landlord is being a fucking dick about it. he left for vacation this morning and will be gone for a week..he told me to try using a fucking plunger. good idea to use a plunger when i just got done putting burning chemicals down the drain..asshole.

i can't wait to see my boy again. he'll be here sunday night. we don't have too much planned yet..probably see that movie, and make plans for the beach..maybe swim if the weather is ever nice again haha. i can't wait til the beach! we're going at the end of next month to myrtle beach. i think we're staying at compass cove cause they had really good deals on condos. anyone know of any cool places we could check out while we're there?
well i think i'm gonna find some food and bum around til i gotta work. hope everyone has a nice weekend..mine doesn't start til sunday

Im good, how are you?