ok so my life fucking sucks. yay. fucking sweeeeeeeeeeet. i could seriously just go back to bed right now and sleep for..oh, i dunno say 2 months and be totally ok with it.
everything just feels like its falling apart.
i just want to fucking be away from here.
there's stink bugs all over my fucking house, school is ruining my life on a minute... Read More
Now now now.
If I can't have a fit and quit neither can you. And when you get your phone I'll tell you all the wonderful reasons I should quit!
Drop school. Buy a bug bomb... And go to the boys house. It'll be okay... breath and eat chocolate.
ok ok..sorry i haven't written in a bit. it's only been a few days so give me a break haha.
i'm currently sitting at the boy's house in his pj pants like a big bum. he's at work and his parents aren't home so i'm just chillin with the dogs. <3 them btw.
he came up yesterday to surprise me and i came back with... Read More
Nope no AIM. AOL scares me! Well I used to have it, just got to be a pain to keep up with all of them.
Thought you'd decided to drop school for now. What happened?
Sane is good. Don't worry too much about the stuff you can't fix right now. Try and enjoy what's good. Go curl up in the boys bed if you want too... It's allowed.
had a very nice weekend. me and the boy went to the circus as planned. the second we sat down i spilled a drink all over myself and ended up with a puddle of pop in my purse. i was like freaking out cause both of our cameras and phones and my ipod were in there. great way to start the circus. after we got... Read More
ok well i'm thinking this blog should be less depressing than my last two. so i found out last night that i failed that class that i got the incomplete for (i know, i know i said not depressing...it'll get better).
so i'm not sure what i'm gonna do now cause my schools are both being assholes. i won't get into details but basically i'd... Read More
Twiztid - Familiar
You were hollow like a well
With no water and everyone's thirsty
Nowadays everyone's confused and distraught
And everything looks promising
Let down
Just stand on your feet
If you fall... Read More
well i'm about to start doing all of that work that's due tomorrow. thank god that teacher was nice enough to give me an incomplete. at this point though, as long as i get enough work done to get a D in the class i really don't care about much else. that's good enough for me...i'm a girl with low expectations, what can i say?... Read More
anytime babe..
you let me know
and your seconds away from any kinda hotness i can bare.
after all
im like your own personal slut.
im cheaper than a puppy atleast
and im house broken
ok so i'm sitting in class right now (and before you start hollering, i'm on a half an hour break so shut up!). today is pretty much kicking my ass. i couldn't sleep for the life of me last night. if i don't get some sleep tonight, i officially quit life. i'm exhausted and my eyes burn and mountain dew is eating my stomach. awesome.... Read More
well today was my first day back in class and i already feel like i have way too much work to do. i had the same fucking teacher for 2 4-hour classes today...in the same room, doing the same design briefs...oh and look at that i have her again at 8 am tomorrow....and i have her husband on thursday morning...fuck my life, everyday, all day... Read More
so apparently today is a day for sitting at home and being a complete bum. i've been sitting here reading blogs all day and have yet to get out of bed, except to eat and change my underpants of course. today is super boring and all of my friends are out in the world doing their fancy jobs and whatnot, while i sit at home... Read More
hey babe! thanks for the love and ya you have seen my tits lol.
you seen and own everything on me so
im okay with that
yes puppy shopping will be great..
im telling you now tho .. im not buying some poodle or curly haired freak
im big into labs / labradores / or something along those lines but we will see when we go
also i cant wait to start looking for a place i think i might just find out about the couple near here that i saw and liked.. and find out the price..
its gonna be fun because you can come up and help decorate and furnish it with me and help me pick everything out
lots of love babe
txt me later
so i've decided that the dumb bitch who messaged me can go to hell. that guy i'm seeing is pretty much amazing and her and her slut friend are just mad that he broke her 100-year-old heart. and that is all i will say on the matter.
me and him just had a really nice weekend. he had to leave early to go to some... Read More
If I can't have a fit and quit neither can you. And when you get your phone I'll tell you all the wonderful reasons I should quit!
Drop school. Buy a bug bomb... And go to the boys house. It'll be okay... breath and eat chocolate.
Hey, he had it coming