I hope everybody is having a fabulous day! I'm certainly not having a terrible one!
I ran some errands today and stopped to enjoy some lunch downtown. Now I'm home to glue as many rhinestones to a costume as a possibly can before I either pass out from exhaustion or from inhaling too many E6000 fumes!
the Toronto Burlesque Festival is this weekend! Super excited! I've been working through some minor injuries and am starting to stress that I'm not quite ready to pull this off, but it's probably all just in my head, right? ...... right? lol
things haven't changed much on the job front. I've been doing a lot of burlesque shows, but I'm still falling behind on bills. On top of that, apparently my SG account is ready to expire and I'm broke... sooooo I might disappear for a little while. BUT I promise to come back as soon as I can!
I showed you an accessory for a costume I've been updating lately and here's what it looks like so far!
I should probably get back to work on another costume now, but if you're in Ottawa on August 10th you should come to Capital Tease Burlesque's next show; Rock Vs Pop! a Burlesque Battle!
Koston Kreme
I hope everybody is having a fabulous day! I'm certainly not having a terrible one!
I ran some errands today and stopped to enjoy some lunch downtown. Now I'm home to glue as many rhinestones to a costume as a possibly can before I either pass out from exhaustion or from inhaling too many E6000 fumes!
the Toronto Burlesque Festival is this weekend! Super excited! I've been working through some minor injuries and am starting to stress that I'm not quite ready to pull this off, but it's probably all just in my head, right? ...... right? lol
things haven't changed much on the job front. I've been doing a lot of burlesque shows, but I'm still falling behind on bills. On top of that, apparently my SG account is ready to expire and I'm broke... sooooo I might disappear for a little while. BUT I promise to come back as soon as I can!

I showed you an accessory for a costume I've been updating lately and here's what it looks like so far!

I should probably get back to work on another costume now, but if you're in Ottawa on August 10th you should come to Capital Tease Burlesque's next show; Rock Vs Pop! a Burlesque Battle!
Koston Kreme