I have got a busy ass weekend coming up. I'm going to be taking off work sunday, and most likely monday. Which means I have to cook enough food for those days.
So today was a really long day. As will tomorrow.
Tonight I'm going out with my friend/former housemate Ali, and her sister. Who is visiting from D.C. That means I should be rolling in from anywhere between 2 am & 4 am, and I have to be at work by 8am, the lastest. In order to get all the shit I have to have done by 5pm. Which is the lastest I can work, and still have enough time to get ready for, and drive the 2+ hours to cocoa beach. Where we are having a birthday party for Spiders & evilwillow at Ninadelamortes house. Then on sunday Ali, sister, and the rest a the crew, are all getting rooms at the hard rock hotel casino. Where I will be gambling until the wee hours of the morning.
Then most likely passing out.
Hope you all have a great weekend.

So today was a really long day. As will tomorrow.
Tonight I'm going out with my friend/former housemate Ali, and her sister. Who is visiting from D.C. That means I should be rolling in from anywhere between 2 am & 4 am, and I have to be at work by 8am, the lastest. In order to get all the shit I have to have done by 5pm. Which is the lastest I can work, and still have enough time to get ready for, and drive the 2+ hours to cocoa beach. Where we are having a birthday party for Spiders & evilwillow at Ninadelamortes house. Then on sunday Ali, sister, and the rest a the crew, are all getting rooms at the hard rock hotel casino. Where I will be gambling until the wee hours of the morning.
Then most likely passing out.

Hope you all have a great weekend.


the asshole part, is that I am the QUEEN OF LAZY.
*I* wouldn't be caught dead digging through boxes in the fucking hot ass garage.