The vegan BBQ was pretty awesome. Met some cool new people. Thanks to ninadelamorte for hosting, and make the most awesome cake.
Spiders did most of the grilling. Very cool/funny dude. His ninja skills are not to be fucked with. well at least according to EXO.
EmilyEve for whom the BBQ was for. I always hear how when people meet a suicide girl, they always say they are even cuter in person. Well it's most definitly true in this case as well. She also has the hearing of a cat.
Hyperboy Very laid back cool guy. I guess he would have to be. Being at a party with your sister, and your sister being evilwillow
loosbrew has the most awesome"Bag 'o' shit", and a very high threshold for pain.
PaulNikon Very cool/funny guy. Not nearly as creepy as I expected him to be.
jordanos Another funny mother.
MotherTereasa Didn't talk too much to MT but she had a very nice back piece, and a very funny hostel expirence while she was in Amsterdam.
FunkTion Was vey glad to meet this guy. shit we've been SG friends for a long time. Very fucking funny. One regret about my meeting Funk is that I fucking forgot to *slap* the bastard.
evilwillow we to have been SG friends for some time. It was also very cool to finally meet her. She is excactly how you would picture her. When she first got there she came in and gave me a big hug. As I was thinking to my self, wow! this is nice. I thought she was just say fuck you or something She clamps down on my neck vampire style. Almost drawing blood.
There were other people there as well, but I can't think of their usernames right now. Ninas friend EXO was also a fucking blast.
Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Spiders did most of the grilling. Very cool/funny dude. His ninja skills are not to be fucked with. well at least according to EXO.

EmilyEve for whom the BBQ was for. I always hear how when people meet a suicide girl, they always say they are even cuter in person. Well it's most definitly true in this case as well. She also has the hearing of a cat.

Hyperboy Very laid back cool guy. I guess he would have to be. Being at a party with your sister, and your sister being evilwillow

loosbrew has the most awesome"Bag 'o' shit", and a very high threshold for pain.

PaulNikon Very cool/funny guy. Not nearly as creepy as I expected him to be.

jordanos Another funny mother.

MotherTereasa Didn't talk too much to MT but she had a very nice back piece, and a very funny hostel expirence while she was in Amsterdam.

FunkTion Was vey glad to meet this guy. shit we've been SG friends for a long time. Very fucking funny. One regret about my meeting Funk is that I fucking forgot to *slap* the bastard.

evilwillow we to have been SG friends for some time. It was also very cool to finally meet her. She is excactly how you would picture her. When she first got there she came in and gave me a big hug. As I was thinking to my self, wow! this is nice. I thought she was just say fuck you or something She clamps down on my neck vampire style. Almost drawing blood.

There were other people there as well, but I can't think of their usernames right now. Ninas friend EXO was also a fucking blast.
Hope everyone had a good weekend.

totally dropped the ball there, man.