Hey time for a quick update....
Went out friday night with the ladies, was soo fun, I left the boy at home in bed..ill..haha naughty me! Heres a couple of pix.... we didnt take that many as we were so drunk on a mixture of sailor jerrys and shots....NOM NOM NOM....
Me and my bestest friend!
Me with the girlies.
So, I spent all day in bed on Saturday, i had the biggest hangover ever. I swear now im older I cannot deal with hangovers as well as I used to when i was like 17. Back then i could go out all night get drunk and be ok for work at 9am the following morning. What the?! Someone care to explain?
Its my birthday on the 31st.....booo. Hate it...but I think Lewis is planning something for the day and then we are going for a meal with my best mates Leah and Blake. So that will be nice..then its all about New Years Eve....bahhh.
Im shooting a set with Leilani on Friday woo! Excited!! Its going to be fun =)
I will leave you now with this CUTE pic of Mysty asleep...lewis sent me this pic whilst I was at work yesterday it totally cheered me up...look how sweet she is..she looks like shes sucking on her paw! haha....
Much Love!
Went out friday night with the ladies, was soo fun, I left the boy at home in bed..ill..haha naughty me! Heres a couple of pix.... we didnt take that many as we were so drunk on a mixture of sailor jerrys and shots....NOM NOM NOM....

Me and my bestest friend!

Me with the girlies.
So, I spent all day in bed on Saturday, i had the biggest hangover ever. I swear now im older I cannot deal with hangovers as well as I used to when i was like 17. Back then i could go out all night get drunk and be ok for work at 9am the following morning. What the?! Someone care to explain?
Its my birthday on the 31st.....booo. Hate it...but I think Lewis is planning something for the day and then we are going for a meal with my best mates Leah and Blake. So that will be nice..then its all about New Years Eve....bahhh.
Im shooting a set with Leilani on Friday woo! Excited!! Its going to be fun =)
I will leave you now with this CUTE pic of Mysty asleep...lewis sent me this pic whilst I was at work yesterday it totally cheered me up...look how sweet she is..she looks like shes sucking on her paw! haha....

Much Love!

Im working today till 9pm later on! im working so many hours but i desperately need the money!