only 2 more sleeps til Lew is home...HOWEVER, I have been perusing the bands myspace just because im nosey..and NUMERO UNO: There is a new pic up of some groupie BITCH with her tits out with just the bands stickers over her nipples.....NUMERO DEUX : There are lots of comments from 18yr old groupies that wear too much makeup talking about how great their night was hanging out with the band AT THEIR UNI DORM.
What the hell. I know lewis says he hasnt been hanging out with groupies but still it pisses me off seeing stuff like that, how am I supposed to feel? I do trust him but I just dont like girls like that never have never will. It makes me uncomfortable because girls like that will try anything to get into band members pants just coz they are in a band its so PATHETIC. I didnt even know my boy was in a band when I first met him haha.
Am I stupid for feeling like this?
I think what annoys me the most is that i know for a FACT that 2 of the members are hell bent on getting laid on tour and one of them has a girlfriend (hes such a loser). So basically the band get dragged around on their stupid mission to get pussy. On this tour lewis has been sleeping in the van whilst a few of the others party in random skanks houses, and so has 2 other band members , the 3 of them refuse to go livid on tour because essentially they are on tour to do SHOWS as opposed to get hammered every night and then play hungover. Unfortunately the other 2 cant see that.
On the last tour those two ended up letting two groupies come on tour with them for a few shows up north!!! I was pissed off because it was the same band member who said GIRLFRIENDS are NOT ALLOWED on tour...idiot.
*sigh* Tour Blues ..haha I miss my man and im horny! Fuck.I guess I am lucky because he is the oldest of the band and all he cares about on tour is doing amazing shows oh and seeing me! haha
Groupies = skanks
Me= Amazing girlfriend
xxxxx RANT OVER!
only 2 more sleeps til Lew is home...HOWEVER, I have been perusing the bands myspace just because im nosey..and NUMERO UNO: There is a new pic up of some groupie BITCH with her tits out with just the bands stickers over her nipples.....NUMERO DEUX : There are lots of comments from 18yr old groupies that wear too much makeup talking about how great their night was hanging out with the band AT THEIR UNI DORM.
What the hell. I know lewis says he hasnt been hanging out with groupies but still it pisses me off seeing stuff like that, how am I supposed to feel? I do trust him but I just dont like girls like that never have never will. It makes me uncomfortable because girls like that will try anything to get into band members pants just coz they are in a band its so PATHETIC. I didnt even know my boy was in a band when I first met him haha.
Am I stupid for feeling like this?
I think what annoys me the most is that i know for a FACT that 2 of the members are hell bent on getting laid on tour and one of them has a girlfriend (hes such a loser). So basically the band get dragged around on their stupid mission to get pussy. On this tour lewis has been sleeping in the van whilst a few of the others party in random skanks houses, and so has 2 other band members , the 3 of them refuse to go livid on tour because essentially they are on tour to do SHOWS as opposed to get hammered every night and then play hungover. Unfortunately the other 2 cant see that.
On the last tour those two ended up letting two groupies come on tour with them for a few shows up north!!! I was pissed off because it was the same band member who said GIRLFRIENDS are NOT ALLOWED on tour...idiot.
*sigh* Tour Blues ..haha I miss my man and im horny! Fuck.I guess I am lucky because he is the oldest of the band and all he cares about on tour is doing amazing shows oh and seeing me! haha

Groupies = skanks
Me= Amazing girlfriend
xxxxx RANT OVER!


Doesn't sounds like your being silly at all. The 'girlfriends not allowed' man sounds like a twat, who made him boss anyways?! I;m sure your boyfriend is being a complete gentlemen, maybe just mention how it makes you feel when he gets back xxx