Tonight, I’m going to talk about my favorite song, homework by the beautiful @missy
It’s so hard to pick just one, there’s so many good and beautiful songs! And you can have a favorite song today and tomorrow another, and the day after tomorrow another, etc, etc… So, this left me thinking… ¿Why it has to be just one? I can have just ONE favorite song…
So, I’m gonna do something with you, my deary followers… I’m going to post a link with one song every day, my favorite song of that day, and then you left me some comment about the song, if you like it, if you hate it, if you already knew the song or if was new for you; we can call it “The Song of the Day”…
What do you think, my deary followers? We start this?
The Song of the Day: 07/04 The Amenta - Teeth