So.... I think there i a ghost in my apartment. Beamer has barked at the hallway before, but today actually scared me and made me not want to look. I come inside with her after smoking, she runs toward the hallway.... got scared and turned around as fast as she can move and got in a very strong stance toward the hallway and started barking... then she gets on the couch and faces the hallways again, still barking... then gets on top of me, does the same thing. I think she was trying to be protective. But I didn't know what to do. I waited a few minutes, then poked my head around the corner to check it out. Beamer still would go over there, she was still tense and shaking a little. UGH!! 

had my fair share of possible (and obvious) ghost instances ... only lately I'm kind of saddened that a child ghost that had first shown itself when the ex-wife and I were still together (before our daughters) has only recently seemed to have... left?
not sure if it's because our daughters are getting older or, I suppose, it's possible it's now "moved" to the ex's, since the girls spend more time there? all I know is it's been very quiet here lately. *ponders*