Ugh, things have gone from bad to worse. The Land of the Morning Calm just got a lot calmer. Thanks to some especially bright people, all drinking privilages have been revoked until further notice. Man, I sure love fighting for freedom sometimes.
More Blogs
Friday Feb 28, 2003
So I guess I'm over my crappy birthday. I'm going to Seoul on Saturd… -
Wednesday Feb 19, 2003
A Birthday Song to Me From Me (Sing to the tune of The Birthday Song… -
Tuesday Feb 18, 2003
A thought just hit me as I spoke with another member. That whole no … -
Monday Feb 17, 2003
Ugh, things have gone from bad to worse. The Land of the Morning Cal… -
Thursday Feb 13, 2003
What a dull day today. These two years can't be over soon enough. A… -
Tuesday Feb 11, 2003
"Nobody knows what we have to do, but I'm pretty sure I'm doing somet… -
Tuesday Feb 11, 2003
Do they owe me a breakfast? Of corse they do, of course they do. … -
Tuesday Feb 11, 2003
So yeah, I know that nobody will ever read this, but I'm doing it any…
hmmm....sounds like a very important job.