So yeah, I know that nobody will ever read this, but I'm doing it anyway. It is MY journal after all, so I guess it can be just for me. Anyway, life really is awful over here. I really am in Korea like my profile says; I only wish it was a joke. Being in the military is worse than you think. Try to imagine it for a second. No, try harder. Yeah, its worse than that too. I want so bad to be free again, but there is nothing I can do. Here I am in a country on the brink of war and I'm supposed to somehow help to keep anything bad from hapenning. You know what is funny? If war does break out and someone ever actually reads this, I'll bet it will be the only journal entries written by a SG member killed in a freakin' war. Woo-hoo. I don't remember which woman it was that said in her journal how shocked she was that she could feel so alone in a room full of people and that she could feel her friends slipping away and there was nothing she could do, but she really hit the nail on the head for some of us huh? I guess I really like this site for little reasons like that. It is nice to know that other people suffer in the same ways that I do. Isn't that such a human way to feel. Well, I could go on forever, but this'll do for now. Is this'll even a real contraction?
Those people who slip away, aren't really worth it to begin with. Don't lose sight of that....and keep your mind here...rather than in Korea....I can't even imagine what your life is like there.