So, how was everyone's Easter weekend? I hope the Easter bunny brought plenty of goodies for you all. kiss

Oh, where to begin. Firstly...soooo sunburnt. Owww. frown Gah, and the worst part of it is, is that I have such a lame farmers tan. I spent the day over at my aunt's house, playing by the pool and taking pictures of my cousins. Afterwards, I went to...
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Oh shit you make sum beauuuutiful food : drool :

yeah I love a good calzone, specially when they use-a lots-a ricotta n smother it in butter then practically encrust it with parm mmmmmmm. ohhhh yeah baby.
Love the Easter pix!!
I missed a Pat Benetar concert last night. Am very bitter, because the slack ass douche of a new sous chef went home early eventhough I work the same, if not more hours than he does. Bastard.

I have some new dessert pictures to show, but I haven't been home all week to upload them, so hopefully tomorrow I'll have them up. That is, if...
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Pat Benatar? That sucks... "Invisible" = best song ever...

I missed a foo fighters show which usually I could care less about because I hate big venues with a passion. But it was at a local small venue I frequent and I found out late and fucking missed it and was SO pissed...

So yes to answer your good restaurant question, there are SO many great places in New York to eat, unfortunately I don't really know any of them tongue tongue tongue. I am only recently breaking into my family's history with NY and have yet to really explore all that much of the city. But do not fret I do know of one good place to eat. It is more fast food than anything but it is quite the unique experience. It is an all dumpling restaurant called Rickshaw Dumpling Bar. I was in New York Easter weekend and they were CLOSED! My day was built around going there only to walk up the to the door and have it be locked frown. You should definitely go check it out and eat a pork and cabbage dumpling for me tongue. I hope you have a GREAT time in NY biggrin and I still feel bad about getting back to you so late frown.
Oh yeah and who wouldn't want to see pictures of deserts? Tonight on my menu, grandma's lemon meringue pie wink.
...Cute. I don't want to be just cute anymore. Being cute makes me feel like a 12 year old little girl. And I'm not 12 anymore, dammit. mad Well, I guess cute is better than nothing, right?

hm? who is this pretty lady?
cute is a way i describe someone who is quirky and fun. its not a bad thing at all. its so easy for a nerd like me to fall for a cute girl anytime. blush i mean, i dont really know you, but you are cute, and if thats the wrong thing to say, well.. then maybe im retarded. you are pretty though, too.
If I end up with saggy boobs because I'm a retard, I'm going to be very pissed. Wanna hear a funny story? Well, on Monday I went in on my day off and worked for a bit making ice creams. I brought a change of clothes, which happened to be a sundress that I couldn't wear a bra with. Since then, I haven't been home...
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OOOOTAY let me start off by saying I'm REALLY sorry. The whole time I was in NY I was pressuring my family into making a decision about what they were doing in regard to their trip to Puerto Rico. They call me today saying they decided... *sigh* When I read that you were booking for flight and hotel I felt SO bad. I NEVER let people down and it felt HORRIBLE! I still do in fact frown. I meant to get online earlier to apologize but I didn't have the time. In any case my uncle WILL be home so if u wished to stay there it is an option, I'll also be in NY during that time period so it would be less weird tongue.. Me being in a monetary slump would opt for free lodging but I don't know what kind of monetary situation you are in or what is easiest for you. In any case The option is open and I am terribly sorry for being so late in getting back to you frown.

All and all I hope you have fun, actually I know you will, NY is my favorite biggrin.
Umm - My undertanding is that a bra won't keep a woman's boobs from sagging.
I think that Margrete Cho once said that Jager is like truth serum, or something simmilar. Wow, was she right. I've never been so drunk in my life. I think that I had close to 10 shots of Jager. Owww...

My new ringtone is so rad. La Vie Boheme is quite possibly the best song evar. I'm so lame. tongue

Well, I'm off to shave my...
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Hi pretty, have a good weekend. kiss
Anxiety/panic attacks suck big time!

I have thar ringtone on my phone as well for someone and for my sister in law I have Seasons of Love since that's her favorite.
Hey guys. I have a bit of advice for you. You know that cool girl who you can hang out with and joke around with and make VERY innaproriate comments about the girl across the street with? Yeah, after every fucking day of this, she starts to get fucking fed up with this bullshit. Very, very, very, very, very fed up with it. Eventually, the...
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some guys will never get it frown
Shenanigans, no girls look in my direction. Ironically I'm the complete opposite of the person you described, but still no girls have any interest in me. You know how they say nice guys finish last? I honestly think nice guys don't ever finish, they get mugged some where down the line and either stop being a nice guy or just get shafted all day long. All my friends date the "wrong guy" all the time, yeah girls you know who the wrong guy is? The guy your interested it... *le sigh* *crosses fingers* I hope college is different.

Anyway I'm working my sources in NY I should be able to get back to you some time soon.
I got a ticket to the Rent anniversary. Huzzah! Angel...love So, I'll be up in New York for a couple of days next month. Then I'll be heading back up there in June for a whole week. I'm so excited! Yes, I know. I'm such a dork.

Work has been taking over my life lately. There has been talk of maybe making me sous chef...
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more pictures! wink
hey.........haven't written to you in a while and i'm glad things are on the up and up....i saw V for vendetta..........the messege in the movie is very good but it seems like movies recently have, to me, empty eccess parts. i know films cost a shit load but some things can be left out. when you see it let me know what you think....type to you soon..........alessandro
So, has anybody ever told you guys how much you rock? You made me feel a trillion times better. Thank you so very much. I heart you all. See? --> <3 kiss

Nothing new in the dessert picture department. I haven't been able to really work the station and create new desserts because I'm too busy with saute. Hopefully soon. Instead, I bring...stuff. Meh...
Mog hat....
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biggrin thankyou.. My couzin did it and i am very happy with it. My camera was stolin so i cant really take good photo's of it but it'l have to do.

love your pics as well and I remember you getting that tattoo on your stomach, looks great now biggrin Though its a pitty that set of yours had to stop frown I like it very much love
OH! You're adorable!
I love that hat.

Wow...it seems like it's been forever, huh?
Well, it's been a pretty fucked up past 2 weeks. I'll spare you guys the details, but let's just say depressed drinking is bad. Very, very bad. I haven't been around lately, becuase if I'm not working, I'm sleeping or some other unproductive activity. The motivation to do ANYTHING just hasn't been there lately, but hopefully I can...
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A move to NY...that's so big and exciting!!!!!
p.s. the dress fits perfectly...except....MY BOOBS ARE TOO SMALL. Don't know whether to sell it back, find fake boobies, or find someone to take in the bust.
Dear RENT,

STOP EATING MY BRAIN!!! (But not really...)

Mom...I mean, Me.

Oh Angel, how I love you...Tomorrow I'm ordering tickets to go see the traveling performance in Atlanta (wow, I sense road trip) and a performance on Broadway while I'm in New York. love I'm so excited about going! Can't wait. A whole week in New York, and this time, I'm old enough to...
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Yes, it's NOT easy at all. I don't know the solution. I wish I did. kiss
Hey there sweetie. Hope alls goin well . Congrats on ur promo. Hope you can take the heat ! Awesome attempted shoot ! You look GREAT. The location sucked anyway. I hope nobody eats ur braIN , have fun in NY wink