Blah. I am crampy and irritable today. Needless to say, I feel like shit. None of my clothes fit right and I can't seem to get comfortable. At all. Plus, all I want to do is eat fried food. Dammit, if I didn't have such big boobs, I would be thinking about trading it all in...
Okay, maybe not, but the pain really does get that bad sometimes...
In other news, I think that I'm going to cut my hair today. I just don't know how exactly. I want to cut it short, but if I do it the way that I want, it's going to look kind of like a girl that I work with. And that just can not happen. Especially not this girl. I've not had a swell history with her in the past, and the last thing I need to do, is to remind someone of her...focus on me, dammit!'s pointless to get bothered by these sort of things. I'm trying to be a better person, really, but sometimes it's hard...very, very, very hard. I feel that sometimes I lose who I am...
...I think instead of being productive today, I'm just going to lay in bed, eat fried food
, and watch Domino. 'Cause I feel like poo...
Hopefully you guys can cheer me up...tell me the funniest joke that you guys know. Please?

In other news, I think that I'm going to cut my hair today. I just don't know how exactly. I want to cut it short, but if I do it the way that I want, it's going to look kind of like a girl that I work with. And that just can not happen. Especially not this girl. I've not had a swell history with her in the past, and the last thing I need to do, is to remind someone of her...focus on me, dammit!

...I think instead of being productive today, I'm just going to lay in bed, eat fried food

Hopefully you guys can cheer me up...tell me the funniest joke that you guys know. Please?

I know a girl who works as a waitress at a
nudist resort, which I always thought would be way cool.
But I guess not. I hear she's lookin for another job.
Says she's tired of gettin stiffed.