I think that Margrete Cho once said that Jager is like truth serum, or something simmilar. Wow, was she right. I've never been so drunk in my life. I think that I had close to 10 shots of Jager. Owww...
My new ringtone is so rad. La Vie Boheme is quite possibly the best song evar. I'm so lame.
Well, I'm off to shave my legs and go watch Ice Age 2. Much love to all of you!
P.S.- It appears that I have an anxiety/panic disorder. Who, me? Never in a million years...
I've had an attack almost every night this past week. Way not good. For my sanity, at least.
My new ringtone is so rad. La Vie Boheme is quite possibly the best song evar. I'm so lame.
Well, I'm off to shave my legs and go watch Ice Age 2. Much love to all of you!
P.S.- It appears that I have an anxiety/panic disorder. Who, me? Never in a million years...
I have thar ringtone on my phone as well for someone and for my sister in law I have Seasons of Love since that's her favorite.