Well my time on SG has come to an end. I was first here in 2002 and due to limited funds, did not return until 2004. It was a different world from 2002 but still an open and welcoming one. The SG's were ambassadors on the boards and were filled with insightful posts. Members were open minded and free. There was no subject that was too taboo. People felt free to discuss ideas that went against mainstream society's views. Then in 2005 SG decided to change it's image. Slowly and surely, fetish type sets were archived. They stated it was to protect themselves from a legal crack down on internet porn. What they failed to mention is the supposed "legal crack down" around that time was an attempt to enforce US CODE 2257. This US CODE only states that a porn employer must have documents proving that their models are 18 years of age. SG was already doing this.
It's been downhill ever since. The SG's are becoming more catty, the members are becoming more mainstream, and the sets are becoming more docile, boring, and repetitive (go look and see how many bathtub sets have been added in the last 2 months).
The model and photography contracts are terribly unfair. Go and read what they have to agree to for peanuts in pay.
SG's business practices have become more and more shady while they continue to justify them with bold face lies to it's members. I could spend a lot of time blogging these practices, quoting the so-called reasons, and citing the inconsistency in these statements. I won't do that. Take your own time to do some research and then decide if you want to keep contributing your money to this site.
I know I've gotten a reputation lately of being a bitch and a "know-it-all" in the forums. These posts have been in retaliation to the closed minds that have flooded the boards and groups. I had decided to speak my mind and perhaps convince the other unhappy members to speak up. Instead I would receive PMs from the other unhappy members saying things such as "I really like what you said in _____ group", or "Yea, you told them", or "SG has gone to such crap", or "I wish SG was like it use to be." To those members who PMed me, I would like to say that I'm glad you agree with me but please stop being such a pussy and leaning on others to fight your fight. Nothing will change or improve if you continue to pretend everything is fine around here and not speak out.
Goodbye to those who stay behind. I will miss a lot of you scaredy

I'll be signing off on the 16th.
It's been downhill ever since. The SG's are becoming more catty, the members are becoming more mainstream, and the sets are becoming more docile, boring, and repetitive (go look and see how many bathtub sets have been added in the last 2 months).
The model and photography contracts are terribly unfair. Go and read what they have to agree to for peanuts in pay.
SG's business practices have become more and more shady while they continue to justify them with bold face lies to it's members. I could spend a lot of time blogging these practices, quoting the so-called reasons, and citing the inconsistency in these statements. I won't do that. Take your own time to do some research and then decide if you want to keep contributing your money to this site.
I know I've gotten a reputation lately of being a bitch and a "know-it-all" in the forums. These posts have been in retaliation to the closed minds that have flooded the boards and groups. I had decided to speak my mind and perhaps convince the other unhappy members to speak up. Instead I would receive PMs from the other unhappy members saying things such as "I really like what you said in _____ group", or "Yea, you told them", or "SG has gone to such crap", or "I wish SG was like it use to be." To those members who PMed me, I would like to say that I'm glad you agree with me but please stop being such a pussy and leaning on others to fight your fight. Nothing will change or improve if you continue to pretend everything is fine around here and not speak out.
Goodbye to those who stay behind. I will miss a lot of you scaredy

I'll be signing off on the 16th.
Its been a slice, by time is almost over as well. I hope your life with the soon to be bundle of joy is full of loovely happy moments. always take lots of pictures they grow realy fast I hear.
I understand where you are coming from. SG is not what it used to be. The friends I have on here are mostly open minded and I know most of their contact details out side of sg. Hopefully we can keep in touch. I am seriously thinking of leaving at the end of my contract.