I've been a little horn doggy lately. I don't know why, but it seems all I can think about is sex. It's nerve racking. *nail biting* I know there's nothing wrong with it, but it kind of becomes a pain in the ass when all you want to do is have sex or masturbate all day.
pardon the vulgarity of this blog, i just have to get these scenarios out of my head. i figured writing about it will help.
Anyways, there are two fantasies playing through my head.
These kind of make me laugh, it's strange, the guys in these scenarios aren't my type at all. guess that's the point of a fantasy.
I'm picturing a guy dressed in dickie shorts. high white socks, vans shoes (the old school vans with the one white stripe on the side), wearing his t-shirt with some logo or graphic on it. complete skater boy. not a confident one either, just a bit geeky (now the geeky, unconfident part is my type
) he's a good skater, with some friends, skating at some skate park. i see him there. take him aside, to a place where he can "skate." i bring him to an empty pool, he skates in it for a bit, i'm atop, watching him, then i go take off my clothes while looking at him do his thing, crawl down into the empty pool, he didn't notice what i was doing, all of a sudden he does a quick take and realizes i'm naked. he stops skating, and there you go, you can imagine the rest
two: (i blame this one on band of brothers haha-i've been watching it lately)
i'm in the woods (who knows why? haha) and all of sudden a gang of guys trys to attack me. i'm running, trying to escape, they catch up to me. there's too many of them i can't really beat all of them but i know i can take a few. you know what they're up to, and it's not looking good. i grab a loose branch from the ground and start beating a few of them down, they manage to take it away from me and i know what's coming. all of a sudden...a handsome, rugged looking guy, dressed in army fatigues (old school band of brothers uniform
haha) comes and starts to beat the shit out of a few, i manage to wiggle loose out of the grips of one of them and i beat the shit out of the other guys haha. (let's just pretend that this is back in the day, makes it a little more believable haha). the "handsome stranger" grabs my wrist and tells me that we got to go, he takes me someplace safe, he scouts the area and ensures that we really are safe. he has to get back to his company, but before he does, i grab him and kiss him. and yeah...fucking in the woods. haha 
kind of a classic damsel in distress scenario (which i hate, i do not like being a damsel in distress-one of those things that pisses me off- you know in movies where you just want the girl to do something aside from screaming, just kick some ass, do SOMETHING-well, yeah....i'm the type of girl who can "take care of herself" or prefers to)
like i said, these guys aren't really my type AT ALL. but these scenarios are running through my head right now,haha.
pardon the vulgarity of this blog, i just have to get these scenarios out of my head. i figured writing about it will help.
Anyways, there are two fantasies playing through my head.
These kind of make me laugh, it's strange, the guys in these scenarios aren't my type at all. guess that's the point of a fantasy.
I'm picturing a guy dressed in dickie shorts. high white socks, vans shoes (the old school vans with the one white stripe on the side), wearing his t-shirt with some logo or graphic on it. complete skater boy. not a confident one either, just a bit geeky (now the geeky, unconfident part is my type

two: (i blame this one on band of brothers haha-i've been watching it lately)
i'm in the woods (who knows why? haha) and all of sudden a gang of guys trys to attack me. i'm running, trying to escape, they catch up to me. there's too many of them i can't really beat all of them but i know i can take a few. you know what they're up to, and it's not looking good. i grab a loose branch from the ground and start beating a few of them down, they manage to take it away from me and i know what's coming. all of a sudden...a handsome, rugged looking guy, dressed in army fatigues (old school band of brothers uniform

kind of a classic damsel in distress scenario (which i hate, i do not like being a damsel in distress-one of those things that pisses me off- you know in movies where you just want the girl to do something aside from screaming, just kick some ass, do SOMETHING-well, yeah....i'm the type of girl who can "take care of herself" or prefers to)
like i said, these guys aren't really my type AT ALL. but these scenarios are running through my head right now,haha.

I couldn't get laid right now in a womens prison with a handfull of pardons....