I have been seriously debating on purchasing and living out of a van. Or purchasing some property and buying and fixing up a shipping container. Not really sure why though lol the Van one really appeals to me more cause i’d be able to travel more. We’ll see though.
Been watching an obscene amount of anime lately. Like, it’s all I watch. Not sure how I feel about that.
Lately I have been having some bizarre dreams, from shoot out with strangers (a lot of those) to parasitic creatures invading the planet. I believe that ties into me watching a lot of anime lol
I have been taking so many depression “naps” recently. Quotation because they are more like comas. I need a distraction or someone to bullshit with.
Add me on template, what’s app or line if you have them. 956-551-7938 or feel free to text me. You can remain anonymous if you like haha
Umm that’s pretty much it