It took me about 45 minutes to log on to SG on my iPhone. :/ kept saying they couldn’t confirm I was not a robot. So I finally stopped beeping and booping all while doing the robot and it finally let me on. But for real? Whudupwitdat?
So I may be moving to Colorado to help my buddy on his weed farm. He just got a license to sell and asked me (and a couple of friends) to head out and help him. Few things I need to figure out before I do though. I don’t smoke anymore so it would be just a change of scenery for me.
I also got recently promoted to safety manager here and my current job. I don’t love this job but I don’t hate it either. And if I keep with the safety bit I could earn a lot more than I do already. Decisions, decisions.
How is everyone doing out in SG land?