read this on /. :
evelio (evelio) wrote, @ 2004-01-23 15:24:00
A friend of mine won the Integration Bee at MIT. He got $50 of Certificates to Toscis (Ice cream place) and a baseball cap.
Another friend wrote him this poem:
I love you;
You are my hero.
My love for you is 1/x
as x approaches 0.
To which another friend of mine replied: Wait Wait! As x approaches zero from which direction?
evelio (evelio) wrote, @ 2004-01-23 15:24:00
A friend of mine won the Integration Bee at MIT. He got $50 of Certificates to Toscis (Ice cream place) and a baseball cap.
Another friend wrote him this poem:
I love you;
You are my hero.
My love for you is 1/x
as x approaches 0.
To which another friend of mine replied: Wait Wait! As x approaches zero from which direction?
Yeah, the nanny agency I don't really "work" with anymore (except for my favourite little boy every few weeks) does do the whole chef thing as well. They're called Nannies & Housekeepers USA. They're in Vegas though, I don't live in LA. Lots of people on the site seem to think I do for some reason..? Oh well. I'm sure you can find a good agency in LA. Maybe I will come visit you out there, I will be due for an LA trip by summertime.