I'm new here, my set has just been accepted into the queue so thought I would introduce myself :)
I'm koop, been modelling for 2 and a half years now on various different sites. I actually applied for suicide girls way back in 2017 with help from @ghillie but never had the confidence to shoot a set for here. I finally done it though! And to be honest, I'm glad I waited so i gained more experience as well as truly getting to know myself.
I'm from Glasgow in Scotland so have a proper strong accent that not many people understand, curvy and covered in tattoos. I am a sucker for pop punk music, bake in my spare time and drink far too much coffee.
My debut set won't be live for 3 months and 2 weeks but I hope in that time we can chat and you can get to know me more as I'll try be active on here.
Any recommendations of groups on here I should join let me know too :)
And if you want to keep up to date with my content then I have an onlyfans. its linked on my page or here is the link
Looking forward to being a part of this community ♡