A Bit of an update...
missing this week, but...
Back on schedule... I think.
I got up at 6:00AM, and was on the subway by 7:30 if I make it through the
day, I think the time shift will finally be over. It was a fantastic weekend, Arthur had a big shower at the house for his daughter so all
Saturday was consumed by drinking by the pool with a vibrant bunch of freaks. Saturday night the usual suspects went to a party in Burbank, in the shadow of all the studios we watched old bootlegs of The Plasmatics, G&R, just ridiculous times in a wicked home theatre.
10 days until DG and I leave for Hawaii for my sister's wedding, I hope. Things really have become a last minute crunch and I am irritated about the entire situation (being forced to be so last minute by financial concerns). This week is going to involve some severe work in order to make things connect...
Crowd at Summer Sonic, Tokyo-Japan
5:45AM again... This is beginning to become the worst kind habit. I actually went to bed at a reasonable time, but was kicked and cried awake shortly after. I gave up, and headed back to the computer to research flights for my sister's wedding which is now two weeks away (nothing like the last minute, you know). I would take a sleeping pill, but I have to baby sit in 2 hours.
DG bought me a paid account...I have completely forgotten to thank her, I have just been so out of LJ land, and struggling through all of the AMEN drama. I slept in today (after working until 7AM) and had 31 missed calls when I woke up...just on the mobile. I say work, but that would only count if I was being compensated for my time... Ummm...SLAVED until 7AM. I can laugh about that one...I am sure a few of you can as well... Arghhhhh.
While I ponder slavery and job offers, I can not remember the last opportunity I have had to work in LA... Everything seems to involve moving to somewhere cold, and being paid obscene amounts of money for complete and utter creative servitude. Doesn't seem to work for me right now.
There are some crazy pictures here: http://blog.naver.com/post/postView.jsp?blogId=haruma95&logNo=80004641511
Makes me yearn to be on a plane, off to explore the world.
it is almost a tradition, so here are The Price of Reality...and Coma America live at Summer Sonic 04 in Tokyo. It was amazing to see thousands of people who were just spitting, slamming, and jumping around suddenly silence for the start of the song...the hair rose on the back of my neck as I witnessed the silence and then the fury. A seriously fucking incredible moment for AMEN. The fans in Japan were incredible, we'll post more when the files render, but here is a little snip.
The Price of Reality live at Summer Sonic, Tokyo-Japan
Coma America live at Summer Sonic, Tokyo-Japan
mmm...Friday the 13th, seems an auspicious day to shut down the MP3 blog...
I am flat broke. damn that sucks, all of my bandwidth and then some is being sucked up by AMEN's message board... I am going to CHAOS's house to collect his empty bottles, there must be enough vitamin water and gatorade bottles to pay off my ISP for another week... It was a pleasure turning so many people on to new music...it is going to be nice to be an end user for a while... I am sure you know dozens of others but here is a link to two that I check fairly often...
if you really need help with a specific genre audio blog link, mail me, I am sure I can hook you up...
It is already 5AM again, I am encoding the Tokyo show now, I had to borrow a shit US DV camera to do it, but I am excited to FINALLY get this done.
DG just stumbled by, bleary eyed and suggesting I get some ambian to get back on track of this time zone, but I like it, everything is so quiet, and peaceful. I have always loved the late night, that magic time just before the sun comes up when it seems like anything is possible... I think I am just going to stay an insomniac.
I am still thinking about that child's body we saw dead today, thrown onto the MTA track as the SUV was crushed. fucking traffic. it is horrible but the accident is cataloged in my mind with the SIGGRAPH art exhibition, the last thing I saw before I kind of stumbled to the trains and fell asleep. SIGKIDS will be embeddedeven deeper in my heart.
Current Music: patti smith - cash
missing this week, but...
Back on schedule... I think.
I got up at 6:00AM, and was on the subway by 7:30 if I make it through the
day, I think the time shift will finally be over. It was a fantastic weekend, Arthur had a big shower at the house for his daughter so all
Saturday was consumed by drinking by the pool with a vibrant bunch of freaks. Saturday night the usual suspects went to a party in Burbank, in the shadow of all the studios we watched old bootlegs of The Plasmatics, G&R, just ridiculous times in a wicked home theatre.
10 days until DG and I leave for Hawaii for my sister's wedding, I hope. Things really have become a last minute crunch and I am irritated about the entire situation (being forced to be so last minute by financial concerns). This week is going to involve some severe work in order to make things connect...
Crowd at Summer Sonic, Tokyo-Japan

5:45AM again... This is beginning to become the worst kind habit. I actually went to bed at a reasonable time, but was kicked and cried awake shortly after. I gave up, and headed back to the computer to research flights for my sister's wedding which is now two weeks away (nothing like the last minute, you know). I would take a sleeping pill, but I have to baby sit in 2 hours.
DG bought me a paid account...I have completely forgotten to thank her, I have just been so out of LJ land, and struggling through all of the AMEN drama. I slept in today (after working until 7AM) and had 31 missed calls when I woke up...just on the mobile. I say work, but that would only count if I was being compensated for my time... Ummm...SLAVED until 7AM. I can laugh about that one...I am sure a few of you can as well... Arghhhhh.
While I ponder slavery and job offers, I can not remember the last opportunity I have had to work in LA... Everything seems to involve moving to somewhere cold, and being paid obscene amounts of money for complete and utter creative servitude. Doesn't seem to work for me right now.
There are some crazy pictures here: http://blog.naver.com/post/postView.jsp?blogId=haruma95&logNo=80004641511
Makes me yearn to be on a plane, off to explore the world.
it is almost a tradition, so here are The Price of Reality...and Coma America live at Summer Sonic 04 in Tokyo. It was amazing to see thousands of people who were just spitting, slamming, and jumping around suddenly silence for the start of the song...the hair rose on the back of my neck as I witnessed the silence and then the fury. A seriously fucking incredible moment for AMEN. The fans in Japan were incredible, we'll post more when the files render, but here is a little snip.
The Price of Reality live at Summer Sonic, Tokyo-Japan
Coma America live at Summer Sonic, Tokyo-Japan
mmm...Friday the 13th, seems an auspicious day to shut down the MP3 blog...
I am flat broke. damn that sucks, all of my bandwidth and then some is being sucked up by AMEN's message board... I am going to CHAOS's house to collect his empty bottles, there must be enough vitamin water and gatorade bottles to pay off my ISP for another week... It was a pleasure turning so many people on to new music...it is going to be nice to be an end user for a while... I am sure you know dozens of others but here is a link to two that I check fairly often...
if you really need help with a specific genre audio blog link, mail me, I am sure I can hook you up...
It is already 5AM again, I am encoding the Tokyo show now, I had to borrow a shit US DV camera to do it, but I am excited to FINALLY get this done.
DG just stumbled by, bleary eyed and suggesting I get some ambian to get back on track of this time zone, but I like it, everything is so quiet, and peaceful. I have always loved the late night, that magic time just before the sun comes up when it seems like anything is possible... I think I am just going to stay an insomniac.
I am still thinking about that child's body we saw dead today, thrown onto the MTA track as the SUV was crushed. fucking traffic. it is horrible but the accident is cataloged in my mind with the SIGGRAPH art exhibition, the last thing I saw before I kind of stumbled to the trains and fell asleep. SIGKIDS will be embeddedeven deeper in my heart.
Current Music: patti smith - cash
I looked at the aerial photography site at work, since my computer here was loading it extremely slowly. Obviously great pics; I think my favorite is the camel caravan that's at a side angle. Such extreme differences in shade.
We're blessed here on earth, with all these beautiful different landscapes and people... if only we could get the hang of that not-killing-each-other thing, we'd be perfect.