sometimes I think friends are over rated,..

and so on are the rants of the man whom has many of those non exsistant. Connected thru thought.
your stupid and noone cares what you think
stupid like your default picture
this is bull shit why the fuck can't i fucking delete my dating profile?!?! that is suck fucking bull shit,.. this web site is bull shit. fuck this shit this shit has me so fucking frustrated.

and if your reading this fuck you too!
HAHAHAHA,.. alrite,.. yeah so I guess I miss the guys at the job,.. we had our moments,... I bet if I went back tho,.. it would probably really suck,.. I've missed so much,.. I don't know if going back is something I should want to do,.. fuck that shit,.. whats the point of being healthy if everyone just wants to kick your ass because of it,.. or whatever the fuck,.. society can really suck. My foot is still really fucked up,..

I read something that said a mind riddled with revenge becomes sad and sheads tears of angry and sorrow or some shit like that,.. I caN't remember exactly,.. but it really pisses me off,.. it fucking really pisses me off to think that I don't even know who those assholes were,.. yet they probably know who I am,.. and probably know a whole lot more about me then I know about them.

and even if the same three were to be right in front of me,.. i wouldn't even know if was them or not for sure. that really really really pisses me off.
umm,. I think i have hernia,.. YAAAYYYYY!!!

I think my penis is broken or there is some hardcore witch craft going on against me.

to bad I don't really give a shit either way!! HAHA

umm,.. more random statements that are completely misleading as to the type of person I truely am inserted here.

umm ps-- I like vagina shots smile its like I can smell...
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umm,.. its funny,. you can hate being alone till you start to love it,.. then your not alone anymore and you start to miss it,.. only to go back to being alone and hating it, again. I'm trying to learn to adapt to changes,.. but I'm getting old,.. I'm starting to reflect who I really am on the outside slowly,... slowly the world changes,... yet...
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fuck acceptance,.. and fuck you,.. i'm not what you think of me,.. i am not, i am not,.. i am not,.. so think about me,.. think what you will,.. cause you think you think,.. but you never thought about me,. here is the proof,..

fuck your quest for power fuck how you look down upon the world,.. one day it'll be you looking up for...
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Journals SUCK!!

why is that not a choice?!?!? its like "dislike" how the fuck did dislike ever become a word?!? did the english come up wih that word?!? you never heard a rock star say dislike in a classic legendery song that will transcend time or his lifetime,.. hell,.. prove me wrong.

not having a car really sucked balls this weekend,.. I wanted to see...
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www.vampirefreaks.com (/radio ?)
you suck you fucking ugly lame as mutha fucker!! stab yourself with a fork in the foot,.. better yet stab yourself in the neck.
no one wants to be your friend you fucking cornball get a fucking life!!,.. the only friends you keep are the ones you pay. you sorry as muther fucker.
you sorry POS!