fuck acceptance,.. and fuck you,.. i'm not what you think of me,.. i am not, i am not,.. i am not,.. so think about me,.. think what you will,.. cause you think you think,.. but you never thought about me,. here is the proof,..
fuck your quest for power fuck how you look down upon the world,.. one day it'll be you looking up for help,... and the world will look down upon you,..
my eyes burn,.. they have aided me on my quest,.. tired eyes one day they shall find their moment of rest.
know fear as it overcomes you,.. celebrate life as it ovecomes you,.. celebrate no more when death has over come you.
I am not happy here in this place,.. watch me smile,.. watch me be fake,... watch me pretend to be something I'm not as my power overcomes you,.. I'll give you a show to show.
remember me when I'm gone till death overcomes you.