I need a haircut and I think that im going to pick up a copy of catherine the game on the 26th.
So ive been diagonsed with thyroid disease, the one that over produces hormone, its hereditary, I got from my mom. Since their isn't a pill to reduce the amount of hormone I produce, I not going to do anything about.
It does explain alot though.
When I has in high school I was diagonsed with mood disorder so now I can see how the two...
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Ive decided to paint my car,...its a camo green right now,...kind of like a woodland camo,.. Ive decided to paint it rajo camo or camouflage ,.. which is gold(or gold chrome), silver (or chrome), and black or black chrome.
The time is now 2:09pm,. I havent been on here in a million year,.. well maybe like two years,.. forgot all about sg,.. not the friends and stuff I've made or come know of but about loggin in etc,. anyway looked at my bank statement and was like "SG services"? and thought really I'm still a member?! KOOL!!

I get on my profile and realize...
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