Hello my loved SG community, hello @missy and @Rambo ❤
This will be a short post, because it's so ridiculous that it won't need many words for me to explain it!
One time I bought a new pair of scissors and it was in one of those stupid hard plastic wrappings. So I took some old and smaller scissors, wanted to cut it open, slipped and cut myself in the finger really badly.
So basically I hurt myself with scissors while unpacking scissors... yeah...
I hope you had a little laugh about this one!
Konekoya x

When I was a kid I used a pair or super pointy and sharp sewing scissors to try and pry open a plastic Easter egg. They slipped and I jammed them pretty deep into the side of my left hand below the index finger. Still a good size scar there 30 some odd years later

yes, I can relate to that, in fact I have cut myself on the plastic packaging after opening it with scissors. be safe!!