I've never really thought about how last year affected my life.
Yes, I'm still struggling with my disabilities (mental illnesses and my physical conditions) and it's still hard, so I'm often thinking about how much I need to do and how much help I need.
But I need to be thankful for all the steps I was able to do for my recovery, even though I'll always be affected in some ways.
In the beginning of 2018 I started therapy. It was super scary to search for another therapist and to give it another chance after so many attempts, but I'm glad that I found her. She is an angel and she really helps me find out who I am, why I am this way and to accept how I was born.
My self-harm has decreased drastically. There were only 3 relapses and one hospitalization, it sounds like much, but it's so mch better than the years before.
In April, I had my near death experience and it was excrutiating, but I've learned how to grow from it and how to stand up and go on with my life.
Also, I've decided to see my problems in other ways and that I want to help others to not make the mistakes I've made, so I've started my social work studies, which really makes me more than happy and I think that it's the right thing for me.
Recovery is hard. But 2018 proved, that I can do this! Everybody can do it. No matter how much pain it comes with, it will be okay in the end.