1. do you like bleu cheese ? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! haha!
2. coke or pepsi : coke <3
3. do you own a gun ? No, they're not legal in Germany.
4. what flavor kool aid ? We don't have that here either :P
5. what do you think of hot dogs ? I've actually never tried one!
6. favortie TV show ? Greys Anatomy and Spongebob Squarepants :)
7. favorite movies ? A Serbian Film, Orphan, Shutter Islands
8. what do you drink in the morning ? Only water!
9 can you do a pushup ? Nope, not at all... I'm weak AF
10. favorite jewelriy ? piercings and the bracelet I got from my love.
11. favorite hobby ? going to the gym and gaming!
12. do you have a d h d? I'll have a test in October, It's very possible.
13. do you wear glasses ? Yes, but I should wear em more often.
14. Favorite cartoon character? idk? haha
15. three things i did today ? went to town, to uni and played wii with my mum
16. three things i drink regularly ? water, coke and juice :)
17. current dislike ? WASPS AND HORNETS
18. favorite place to go ? Fuerteventura <3
19. how did you bring in the new year ? I spent time with by bf
20. where would you like to go ? The Caribbean
21. name five people who will do this ? @princessofpain @b_disaster @mademoisellecerise @mariafox @nanashin
23. do you like to sleep on satin sheets ? Yeahhhh *-*
24. can you whislte ? Not really :D
25. what are you doing right now ? Watching Greys Anatomy and smoking
26. would you be a pirate ? Naaaaah
27. favorite food ? Sushi <3
28. last thing/person that made me laugh ? some dank memes
29. last time you received flowers ? Idk haha, maybe a few months ago?
30. most recent injury ? my doggo scratched me :(
31. how many pets are in your house ? 1 dog <3
32. worst pain ever ? getting a paper cut
33. do you like to dance ? No, I cant dance at all
34. are your parents still alive? Yes!
35. do you love yourlife ? Currently? YES.
36. Summer or winter ? Summer... I guess?
Thanks @toxyfoxy for tagging me ❤️