ARGH! To many bills damnit! sigh.... i need to get another job, or one that pays better
On the bright side, i for some reason am in a very good mood right now even though my life sucks right now

On the bright side, i for some reason am in a very good mood right now even though my life sucks right now

But I'm feeling a little better now. I watched the tape of my high school's performance of "Grease" from 3 years ago cause it always cheers me up to see all my old friends. It was a great time, and watching it makes me remember how happy I was then. So I'm doing better now, thanks.
Meanwhile, looks like you're the same way: in a good mood even though life is sucking hardcore. Hope things get better for you, or at the very least, that you can keep finding reasons to be in a good mood.
spending money you don't have on bikes!!!
or! or! clothes for bikes!!!! oh yes... i *need* new leathers.