Greetings friends
I am so happy... RATM 'Killing in the Name' has officially beaten the X-Factor winner to become the Christmas No.1. It's a victory of talent over manufactured shite music... at last!
I think that the public message is pretty clear in the lyrics
I have my family from all over the place visiting at the moment... I need to fight everyone just to get to my laptop so I've hardly looked at this site recently. London has had some more snow which is causing the expected chaos with travel arrangements which is involving waiting at airports for ages. At least I'm on leave from work until New Year
So what are your Christmas plans???
Love & Kisses

I am so happy... RATM 'Killing in the Name' has officially beaten the X-Factor winner to become the Christmas No.1. It's a victory of talent over manufactured shite music... at last!
I think that the public message is pretty clear in the lyrics

I have my family from all over the place visiting at the moment... I need to fight everyone just to get to my laptop so I've hardly looked at this site recently. London has had some more snow which is causing the expected chaos with travel arrangements which is involving waiting at airports for ages. At least I'm on leave from work until New Year

So what are your Christmas plans???
Love & Kisses
Thank you! Has yours been bought, yet?! If not, it should have been

happy new year!! how have you been?