Ouch! Number 2 has been pierced. As this has recently become a Sunday tradition, I sort of wish I had more nipples to pierce... I'm not brave enough to get more experimental yet... maybe oneday ('specially seeing as my lady piercer was rather cute!
Hope you all had a lovely Halloween weekend, last night I met up with my old band members and had officially THE WORST shot ever. It was totally vile... gin, sambuca and vodka. Ergh. It has certainly put me off drinking for a bit!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,... if you have any that is!

Hope you all had a lovely Halloween weekend, last night I met up with my old band members and had officially THE WORST shot ever. It was totally vile... gin, sambuca and vodka. Ergh. It has certainly put me off drinking for a bit!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,... if you have any that is!
That shot sounds seriously nasty! I see you've put your location to SA, Cool!