A view from my window. Make's me really happy when I see a sunset.
Things that piss me off at the moment:
- People who think you want more than you actually do
- People who can't call back when it's really important that you speak to them immediately
- Being told you're not welcome in a club because 'you look like a criminal'
- Cracked head gaskets
- No clean tee-shirts
- Empty whisky bottles
Things that make me happy at the moment:
- Morning glory and pretty girls
- Boston
- Yuki-chan
- Jessica-chan
- New stereos
- Straight six, four-litre engines with 2 1/2 inch exhausts
- Empty whisky bottles
- Acupuncture (it always makes me happy)
- Calls from Osaka
- That inky sting
- DJ Shadow touring Melbourne