extra-provincial move to a beautiful, lush green part of Canada. I no longer live in a province that hurts my face :D *happy dance*
Still having a hard time with this news of Bowie's passing. I feel as though the world has lost another pinnacle icon and I feel bad for the future generations who will probably never know how this man paved the way for eccentricities and individuality. I'm fighting with the feeling that he was taken from the world too soon, when in actuality I know deep in my heart that he lived a life time full of adventures. I want to filled with sadness and sorrow but I know that is not the solution to processing this tragedy. "I don't know where I am going from here, but I promise it won't be boring." Rest in paradise my Goblin King, you'll never be forgotten.
some lovely lil tid bits from my photoshoot. The tog hasn't gotten around to editing all the ones I liked out of what we shot but I'm happy with what he's done so far.
As an avid fetish connoisseur I tried hard to boycott the 50 Shades of Grey serious, both the books and the film.... but in my boredom last night I caved and watched the film.... to my surprise I rather enjoyed it. I find the BDSM worlds outrage at the hype caused by what drives Christian Grey's unique appetites to be a little over reacted. Watching the film got me thinking about my own appetites and what drives them and I will definitely need to pick up the novels as I much prefer reading and using my own imagination, though the film was done exceptionally well...
This year featuring Mrs. Dead Alice Hatter and Mr. Mad Hatter (he looks like a tranny but hes's all man ;) bahaha). Wish I had of had time to do full body makeup- But kind of glad I didn't get any on my sisters Brides maids dress. Means I can still get many more costumes out of it ;) Reduce Reuse and Recycle ;)
First time in front of a professional photographer in a while these are just my behind the scene photos haha)