wow, thanks for the concern. It really wasn't that big of deal, I just wasn't in the mood to eat much this past week and I guess it caught up with me. I'm doing better now, and I'm wondering if the fact that my nose is running like a faucet (sexy image, huh?) had anything to do with it. Several times when I stood up I got that congested feeling in my sinsuses. I'm not too concerned now though.
By the by, in case you're wondering, that's my laptop. I custom painted the logo on there in a high gloss purple. If I hadn't been cheap and got the primer for the paint, it would have been an anodized, metallic purple. I'm proud of it since the stencil was made of regular paper, not adhesive.
Glad you are feeling better.
I have a boring life too....so don't feel bad
Take care, C