Yay, I have a friend!
I had a "fun" situation come up last night. An asshole ex-bf IM'd me on AIM. I didn't even think I was still on his bl...It's been almost two years since we dated, and he's gone through alot and is actually pretty down right now. Which makes me want to help him, b/c I can't stand to see people hurting. It's alright for me to be depressed and cynical and hating life, just not other people. What also sucks is that I'm quite lonely right now and here's someone I could be close with. When things were good with him, it was enjoyable. But I guess I'm just desperate. It's all an annoying situation.
At least I get two days off work while my boss tries to get me on a Monday-Friday shift. He needs someone to help with the scanning and the computers all week, and there's two of us who can help him. So I'm gonna get Monday-Friday and Chris is gonna work weekends. I'm also gonna be third fiddle, but I understand that Chris know Linux and networks far better than I do, so he should be 2nd.
(addendum: Yay, now I have 2
I had a "fun" situation come up last night. An asshole ex-bf IM'd me on AIM. I didn't even think I was still on his bl...It's been almost two years since we dated, and he's gone through alot and is actually pretty down right now. Which makes me want to help him, b/c I can't stand to see people hurting. It's alright for me to be depressed and cynical and hating life, just not other people. What also sucks is that I'm quite lonely right now and here's someone I could be close with. When things were good with him, it was enjoyable. But I guess I'm just desperate. It's all an annoying situation.
At least I get two days off work while my boss tries to get me on a Monday-Friday shift. He needs someone to help with the scanning and the computers all week, and there's two of us who can help him. So I'm gonna get Monday-Friday and Chris is gonna work weekends. I'm also gonna be third fiddle, but I understand that Chris know Linux and networks far better than I do, so he should be 2nd.
(addendum: Yay, now I have 2

heres a pig for no reason: