Though this may sound strange, I'm relieved to feel like I'm going into a depression after my recent hyper-activity. I've found my own behavior annoying, and I think I've annoyed others as well (as those in the chat with me last night would probably testify). Depression is always a comfort because it's a mental state I'm familiar with, one that I've spent a good portion of my teenage+ life in. Being happy is, of course, nicer...but I can only think of one period of time that I was truly happy and that period was much too short...I need a change in my life, but there's nothing that can be changed at this time...multiple reasons for that. Lack of funds, no other place to hang out, etc, etc, etc.
On another note: I've always wanted to be "pinged"
So thanks to the two you who commented so I at least know someone's out there.
On another note: I've always wanted to be "pinged"

are you in ok?
I can relate to that state of mind. Umm, wanna share a cock? You can have the first lick.