It's always annoyed me. Why do athiests think they can be just as big of dicks about respecting others belief systems as the ultra-conservative religious folks (regardless of the religion) are to others?
More Blogs
Wednesday Sep 30, 2009
So...I've had the same name here since I joined the first time someti… -
Saturday Sep 19, 2009
L'Shana Tov. Happy Jewish New Year. -
Saturday Sep 05, 2009
Open rant to the guy at the Synagogue today: Alright. I screwed up … -
Friday Sep 04, 2009
...Just saw the trailer for Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day. When … -
Tuesday Aug 25, 2009
...Spaghetti without sauce or butter and water. Yum. Being complete… -
Thursday Jun 25, 2009
...Just had the kind of emotional vent I've needed. I know I don't p… -
Sunday Feb 22, 2009
First time that I have vivid dreams in a long time and they're parano… -
Wednesday Feb 11, 2009
My rent check bounced due to bad budgetting (computers aren't the ans… -
Friday Jan 30, 2009
I have this really really creepy, ominous feeling. Not sure why. I … -
Friday Jan 02, 2009
Really went to a strip club for the first time tonight. My friend pa…